Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Presidential cartoons

I feel that this cartoon is saying if your elect Mitt Romney for President your electing a caveman.

In this cartoon, to me its saying that Bill Clinton is the real one running not his wife even though her name is on the ballot, and that shes using his political standings to make it further.

Its saying McCain's chance of winning is as solid of us winning Iraq. The saying to me seems like he doesn't have confidence in himself to win the election. In order for him to win we have to win the war in Iraq.

This cartoon is making fun of the African Americans who wanted and sought out for a new life. Its making it seem like Democrats are only for the African Americans and I think that's wrong, they are for the people that believe we should all be equal and have the same standards for everyone not just the wealthy. Its also making a joke out of Martin Luther King, Jr. who took a stand for our country and put his life on the line to make this country a better place. (188)

Without Oprah's help and famous name he couldn't do this by himself. Hes using her power to make it further in the election process. They both have standards for the same thing but being African Americans have it harder in life then a white person, so using Oprah gives him some help in the election.

I'm not saying I'm voting for one or the other but do remember this they mean something in one way or another. So think before you vote because one vote does make a difference. I approve this blog for Amanda Turner (future President) lol.

1 comment:

beth said...

I didn't see that one of Martin Luther King Jr., Obama, Hillary and Bill when I was looking for mine. I thought that was very wrong as well, but the picture of Bill was hillarious: about his wet dream. That's all almost anyone remembers about him. lol. But, yeah...I don't vote (which I probably should. duh) but I don't think that anyone should be critisized about standing up for their country or wanting to be president so they can make America a better place, even if they are black. Good job on this one.